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Coronavirus Effects to Construction

Development planning after Covid-19 is a big challenge for all countries in the world. Until now, there is no patent drug that can cure Covid-19 and a new normal life in society with a vaccine that can prevent Covid-19. What is certain that the international community ill live with COVID, or in straightforward terms Panji Hadisoemarto is living under the threat of Covid-19 at all times. It has always been a threat from Covid-19. This is because there are many challenges in terms of contract policies, availability of materials, delivery, occupational safety and health, cancellations, etc. which cause scheduling to be disrupted. The development of each country will definitely be disrupted. Each country revises the state budget and provides large amounts of funds to deal with this corona outbreak. Given that the disease transmitted by the corona virus is very fatal (on average about 3-5% of people die from exposure to the virus), no patented drug has been found, and it is best only precautionary measures. Strive to enable every country to protect the lives of its citizens. The corona outbreak has forced all countries to revise their development plans. Realistically adjusting goals, changing assumptions based on current conditions, and the focus of short-term plans has largely shifted to tackling the COVID epidemic19. At the same time, capital-intensive development policies such as infrastructure will be suspended and re-implemented after the Covid-19 emergency response period is announced.

The six-step recovery roadmap can be useful for evaluating potential approaches to mitigating the negative impact of this pandemic on infrastructure:

• Contract Review

• Project Impact

• Update Risk Register

• Develop Plan

• Execute Plan

• Communicate Plan

Written by: Matius Marcelino


Critelli, J., Jbara, K., & Sahota, R. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on Construction Projects.

Muhyiddin. (2020). Covid-19, New Normal dan Perencanaan Pembangunan di Indonesia.


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