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Green Building in Indonesia

Green buildings are buildings that starts with planning, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition stages, considering negative impacts and creating positive impacts on the environment. Some of the positive impacts of the building is that it can protect nature, reduce the use of natural resources, maintain indoor air quality, etc.

Green buildings can protect nature, because green buildings are using materials from nature such as wood. The buildings that are made from wood produce less waste than buildings made from materials such as steel or concrete.

In order achieve it, there are 6 aspects that must be meet the requirements in order to become a standard for evaluation of the green building by the GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) team. Those aspects are:

1. Appropriate Site Development (ASD)

2. Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EEC)

3. Water Conservation (WAC)

4. Material Resource and Cycle (MRC)

5. Indoor Air Health and Comfort (IHC)

6. Building and Environment Management (BEM)

The concept of green buildings is that it plans to make a building that's environmentally friendly. Another concept of green buildings is Natural Building. This concept focuses more on the use of locally available materials. It aims to meet the needs of future generations.

In Indonesia, the implementation of environmentally friendly green building is growing. Buildings with this concept have been widely used for offices, hotels, apartments, and shopping centers. Several building such as the Sequis Center, BCA Tower, Pacific Place, Sampoerna Strategic Square, and L'oreal Indonesia Office have implemented the green building concept.

In addition, during the covid-19 pandemic healthy air circulation is urgently needed. If there is no good air system, the transmission of the virus can potentially infect the buildings occupants.

Written by: Muhamad Zikry and Rian Tandi Datu


Utami, N.(2021, February 11). Penerapan Green Building di Indonesia. Retrieved from Environment Indonesia Center:


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Binus University - Syahdan Campus
Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Kemanggisan / Palmerah
West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia


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