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Solar Roadways

Solar cells is a tool that can convert sunlight energy into electrical energy. Basically, a solar cell is a photodiode which has a very large surface. The surface area of the solar cell makes this solar cell device more sensitive to incoming light and produces stronger voltage and current. Currently, many have applied this solar cell device to various uses. Starting from the source of electricity for calculators, toys, battery chargers, power plants, as a source of electricity to move satellites orbiting our earth. Even now, it has been applied to the road we are used to. But what if solar cells were installed on the highway?

​Several consruction companies and solar cells sectors have discovered that solar cells can be applied to roads and it turns out that solar cells can be installed on the highway with structured methods and application, this is a new innovations and solar cells on this road are called solar roadways. Solar roadways is like a general road, but on the layers there are solar cells that can convert solar energy into electrical energy. The solar roadways is a collaborative innovation between the Colas company and the French Solar Energy Institute which is supported by the French environment minister Ségolène Royal. This solar cell is installed on the road without replacing the asphalt, this tool is designed in such a way as to withstand extreme weather and has a strong compressive power for moving vehicles. This panel also has a microprocessor that allows the establishment of a smart communication information system. The electritcity generated will be distributed to road facilities and resident house in the near environment.

Written by : Mochammad Kevin Ilham Sugiarto

Resources :

Aziz, F. A. (2017). Inovasi Terbarukan! Prancis Membuat Jalan Panel Surya Pertama Di Dunia.


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